(Main Man x Green Bottles x Who’s In x Cheap Money)
DUROC • EN: 32-2 • REG: 437158002
-Mate to 5th Overall Duroc Barrow ‘23 CPS
-Sow is a mate to Heartstopper (Cain)
- Who’s In sow is the backbone of the highly decorated Trogdon duroc
herd, mother of Gun Show and several others.
-Cheap Money sow is a mate to Making Change (Huinker)
MUST HAVE PURCHASE FROM TROGDONS! Miscalculation showed up looking
like a man and has only gotten more impressive.. hard back shape with
a sharp curve to his loin edge, elite head and neck assembly, and as
square and genuine as they come. We believe he’s got some next level
pieces to offer to the Duroc breed and is backed by generations of
sows who have generated, performed, and shaped the breed as it is
today on a grand scale!!
Bred by: Trogdon Showpigs